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Herbal tea "Digestive ARMONIA" Bio 100 Gr.
2 reviews
From the union of anise, with fennel, mallow and licorice, which all have carminative and digestive properties by nature, we have obtained an ideal infusion to end a hearty meal or to simply promote digestion in general. / p>...
From the union of anise, with fennel, mallow and licorice, which all have carminative and digestive properties by nature, we have obtained an ideal infusion to end a hearty meal or to simply promote digestion in general. / p>
A digestive herbal tea but also tasty, easy to prepare that can help you to relieve your sense of heaviness after a large meal. p>
Nicola N Buonissima, peccato che sia esaurita (sperò momentaneamente)
TEOFILO MINENTI Ottima miscela di erbe